For those searching for updates regarding an inmate, the City of Las Vegas Detention Center provides an inmate search tool to help the public gain information. When an arrestee is brought to the detention center for processing, all of the soon to be inmate’s information gets entered into a searchable database that is used to assist law enforcement agencies and provide the public with accessible, right to know the information.

Las Vegas Detention Center Inmate Search

Las Vegas Detention Center Inmate Search

There are several options for one to use to find the most updated information for their inmate. Information provided includes such things as bail and/or bond amounts, the listing of formal charges against the prisoner, expected or scheduled date of release, and any scheduled or upcoming hearings and court appearances.

Las Vegas Detention Center Inmate Search


Inmate Search Las Vegas Detention Center

Inmate Search Las Vegas Detention Center

Also, see: North Las Vegas Inmate Search

Search for an Inmate by Last Name

The City of Las Vegas Detention Center’s registration system allows users to look for information about their prisoner by using the prisoner’s last name. There are several different options when entering the City of Las Vegas Detention Center prisoner’s name, a user is not required to know the complete and accurate spelling of the prisoner’s name.

Las Vegas Warrant Search

By entering as few as two letters, search results will be returned for every prisoner within the City of Las Vegas Detention Center system that has letters within their last name similar to that of the prisoner being searched for. Entering more than two letters brings back more specific search results, narrowing the selections available until the full last name is entered.

Also, see: Inmate Search Clark County

Search for an Inmate by First Name

Just as when using the City of Las Vegas Detention Center tool to find a prisoner by their last name, a user can also obtain the information they are looking for by using the prisoner’s first name. To accurately find results using the first name, the user must enter the legal first name of the prisoner. Aliases and nicknames will not return accurate results if any at all. By entering the first two letters of the prisoner’s first name, a user can begin looking through return results until they find who they are looking for. The more letters of the first name that are entered, the most specific results will be returned.

Also, see: North Las Vegas Jail

Search for an Inmate with an Inmate ID

Sometimes when searches are being performed, the user doesn’t have all of the information about a prisoner, including the full name of the prisoner. There is another option available to assist users to gain the information they seek. By entering the prisoner’s City of Las Vegas Detention Center ID number, the identical information can be viewed just as if a full name is used. Also, similar to entering the first few letters of a name, a user can enter a handful of ID numbers to get broad return results. Entering more numbers brings back more specific results.

Las Vegas Detention Center Inmate Search


Also, see: CCDC Inmate

Las Vegas Jail Inmate Search

Las Vegas Jail Inmate Search